Sasol Recognised with a CSR Leadership Award

Sasol Recognised with a CSR Leadership Award

In a ceremony held at Qatar University, Sasol, the international integrated chemicals and energy company, received a CSR Leadership Award on the occasion of the launch of the National CSR Report 2016.

Sasol was among a select group of companies and NGOs active in the field of social responsibility that were awarded this accolade. The award ceremony was held under the patronage of H.E. Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser Al-Thani, the Prime Minister and Interior Minister of Qatar, and in the presence of HE Salah bin Ghanem Al Ali, the Minister of Culture and Sports, who was named CSR Person of the Year 2016. Phinda Vilakazi, President of GTL Ventures of Sasol received the award from Dr. Hassan Al-Derham, President of Qatar University.

Adding to the significance of the day, a CSR exhibition was organized by Qatar University students. HE Salah bin Ghanem Al Ali, and Canadian Ambassador, Adrian Norfolk, visited the exhibition, greeted the Sasol team and the students of Qatar University who were manning the stand and explaining Sasol’s numerous innovative CSR initiatives in Qatar , such as The Health Park with Salem and Sarah board games, Qatar e-Nature, Definitely Able, and Accessible Qatar.

In addition to the CSR Award, Sasol’s stand won the first winner prize amongst the numerous stands that were participating. The results were attained through a voting system developed by Qatar University students, engaging visitors to vote for the stand that exhibited the most meaningful CSR initiatives.

Commenting on Sasol’s participation in this first community exhibition and being awarded a trophy, Phinda Vilakazi, President of GTL Ventures at Sasol said, “Sasol is elated to showcase its CSR activities in the Qatar University CSR Exhibition alongside other entities sharing our vision of enhancing the social investment in Qatar in support of the Qatar National Vision 2030.We work closely with our partners to ensure a lasting impact and will continue to do so. We would also like to thank Qatar University and Qatar CSR Network for the award received today.”

The main CSR highlights for Sasol in 2016 were the launch of the Accessible Qatar initiative providing the disabled community instant and reliable information about the accessibility of public and touristic locations in Qatar, the Health Park board games for children with diabetes, and the annual Qatar e-Nature Schools Contest 2016.